Monday, September 18, 2006

good and bad

I just finished watching a movie titled the United States of Leland. I highly recommend it. It has this great theme running through it about how the bad makes the good better. This quote explains it.
Its all part of the trade off man. I mean, Love is only such a great thing
because you know what it feels like to get your heart broken. What it feels
like to be alone.
I think that there is deep truth in that. For instance the times I've studied Godless religions or cultures it has made me all the more appreciative of the relationship I have with him. Or the time I have with my friends after a long absence always seems better than the times when I'm always with them. It like how reading, or trying to, in the dark makes you all the more appreciative of reading in the light. This has a funny dynamic when it comes to people that don't know God. Being with them makes me all the more awed by God but my heart also breaks because the don't know how much life with him is.

I guess all this is to say that bad things happen so that our weak minds can more fully comprehend and enjoy the good.


Anonymous said...
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Jamie said...

Very interesting and deep! Your wisdom astounds me Jerry!